Opening Reception of ‘Fusion in Serendipity’
Fusion in Serendipity 際遇中的交融 : The YANG ARTS Collection
Date: 27 May 2023, 15:00 – 17:00
Location: YANG ARTS, Taipei.
Opening 27 May at the gallery. YANG ARTS is pleased to present the group show “Fusion in Serendipity”.
The exhibition is centred around the multilinear development trajectory of post-war East Asia. The selected collection coversmultiple avant-garde art movements, with a wide range of media spanning painting, printmaking, photography and sculpture. While presenting the diversity of the YANG ARTS Collection, the exhibition also explores in-depth the unique forms of expression, artmaking methods and aesthetic attitudes of different contemporary artists.
很開心和您分享 5/27 即將開始的 YANG ARTS 群展「Fusion in Serendipity 際遇中的交融」。
Ai Weiwei 艾未未
Ay-O 靉嘔
Genpei Akasegawa 赤瀨川 原平
Hal Osawa 大澤巴瑠
Hisao Domoto 堂本尚郎
Huang Rui 黃銳
Kimiyo Mishima 三島喜美代
Kishio Suga 菅木志雄
Nobuo Sekine 關根伸夫
Park Seo-Bo 朴栖甫
Rakuko Naito 內藤樂子
Richard Aldrich 理查德 · 阿爾德里奇
Sadamasa Motonaga 元永定正
Saya Okubo 大久保紗也
Takuro Kuwata 桑田卓郎
Tatsuo Kawaguchi 河口龍夫
Yasumasa Morimura 森村泰昌
Yukie Ishikawa 石川順惠
Image credit: YANG ARTS