Exhibition Overview
「Serendipity」意指際遇或機緣,描述生活裡我們往往在不經意間發現有趣、有價值事物的時刻,而這瞬間總令人感到豁然開朗並深受啟發。如同日本物派、韓國單色畫運動先驅李禹煥(Lee Ufan) 於其代表著作《尋找相遇》(In Search of Encounter, 1971) 一書中提出的藝術宗旨「相遇」(出会い) 概念,從研究 YANG ARTS 收藏品的過程經常有意外驚喜、發現互文關係的時刻出發,希望連結觀者於日常生活中與特定人事物相遇、互動,偶然有微小、愉悅領略的感知經驗。
《際遇中的交融》(Fusion in Serendipity) 以呈現東亞戰後多線發展的軌跡為主軸,作品涵蓋多個前衛藝術運動,媒材類型橫跨繪畫、版畫、攝影及雕塑。展現洋藝術多面向收藏範圍的同時,亦深入探究當代藝術家各自獨特的表現形式、製作方法和美學態度。
本展未依照傳統藝術史編年法策展,透過爬梳作品彼此映射、匯聚的交織關係,直接回應展覽主題所意欲呈現的「交融」(fusion) 本身。希望能打破固態的展覽觀看方式,形塑一個流動、曖昧不明的詩意場域,開啟作品間液態關係的對話可能。
“Serendipity” refers to a chance encounter, describing moments in our lives in which we discover something interesting or valuable by accident. These moments often take us by surprise and serve as moments of deep inspiration. As with the artistic vision of the concept of “encounter” mentioned in the iconic publication In Search of Encounter by Lee Ufan, the pioneer of the Japanese Mono-ha (School of Things) and Korean Dansaekhwa (monochrome painting) art movements, the process of studying the YANG ARTS Collection was often astonished by moments of surprise and discovery of intertextual relationships; taking this as a starting point, we hope these moments may connect with viewers’ encounters and interactions with specific people, objects or events in their daily lives, and offer them perceptible experiences of small, glorious epiphanies.
Fusion in Serendipity is centred around the multilinear development trajectory of post-war East Asia. The selected collection covers multiple avant-garde art movements, with a wide range of media spanning painting, printmaking, photography and sculpture. While presenting the diversity of the YANG ARTS Collection, the exhibition also explores in-depth the unique forms of expression, artmaking methods and aesthetic attitudes of different contemporary artists.
This exhibition has deviated from traditional modes of curation according to the chronology of art history. Through organising the intertwined relationships of mutual reflection and confluence among the art works, the exhibition directly responds to its intended theme of “fusion” itself. We hope to break through static modes of exhibition viewing and create a space of poetic flow and ambiguity and open up possibilities for dialogue in the fluid relationships between the works of art.
展名 Title | Fusion in Serendipity 際遇中的交融: The YANG ARTS Collection |
藝術家 Artists | 艾未未 Ai Weiwei 靉嘔 Ay-O 赤瀨川 原平 Genpei Akasegawa 大澤巴瑠 Hal Osawa 堂本尚郎 Hisao Domoto 黃銳 Huang Rui 三島喜美代 Kimiyo Mishima 菅木志雄 Kishio Suga 關根伸夫 Nobuo Sekine 朴栖甫 Park Seo-Bo 內藤樂子 Rakuko Naito 理查德 · 阿爾德里奇 Richard Aldrich 元永定正 Sadamasa Motonaga 大久保紗也 Saya Okubo 桑田卓郎 Takuro Kuwata 河口龍夫 Tatsuo Kawaguchi 森村泰昌 Yasumasa Morimura 石川順惠 Yukie Ishikawa |
展期 Dates | 27 May – 17 June 2023 |
地點 Location | YANG ARTS 洋藝術空間 |
入場 Entry | 展覽採預約制,歡迎至官網 Appointment 專區預約觀展 |
展場照片 Installation Views | 點選完整展場照片 |
報導 Press | 展覽報導 | 典藏_相遇的通道:洋藝術「際遇中的交融」中的東亞戰後藝術史 |
展覽報導 | 非池中_YANG ARTS 洋藝術《際遇中的交融》:開放的語境,「一期一會」的藝術經驗 | |