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Opening Reception of ‘Human Desire’

Opening Reception of ‘Human Desire’

Human Desire : The YANG ARTS Collection
Date: 18 Feb 2023, 17:00 – 19:00
Location: YANG ARTS, Taipei.

Opening this Saturday, 18 February 2023. YANG ARTS is pleased to present the second group show “Human Desire: The YANG ARTS Collection”.

In the exhibition, 12 notable artists share their views about how art reflects human’s current situation and intuits people’s inner desire. 30 paintings and 1 installation from the YANG ARTS Collection are selected to respond and expand the curatorial concept of the exhibition.


很開心和大家分享這週六即將開始的 YANG ARTS 第二檔群展「Human Desire: The YANG ARTS Collection」。

展覽匯聚當今日本收藏界矚目的 12 位藝術家,闡述藝術如何感悟現今人類處境,並直觀人們內心的欲望,從洋藝術收藏裡共揀選了 30 件繪畫和 1 件裝置,回應與拓展策展構思。


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Image credit: YANG ARTS / 張國耀攝

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